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Local Development

Before submitting a pull request, ensure that your PHP code passes all existing unit tests and conforms to our coding standards by running these commands:

composer lint
composer test

If the above commands do not work, ensure you have Composer installed on your machine & run composer install from the project root.

Release Process

This project is distributed via Packagist for use in Composer projects as humanmade/asset-loader. To release a new version, create a new tag and push it to GitHub, then ensure that tag has been recognized by Packagist. Follow these steps to ensure all version numbers and documentation get properly updated when releasing a new version:

  • Merge all relevant pull requests you wish to include in the new version
  • Identify whether you are releasing a patch release, point release, or major release, following semantic versioning principles, and determine the next release’s version number accordingly
  • Ensure the Changelog is updated for the new version
  • Update the version number in the plugin header comment in asset-loader.php
  • Create a tag on the main branch reflecting the new version number in the format v#.#.#, e.g. v0.6.2 or v1.1.0
  • Ensure the main branch and all tags are pushed to GitHub
  • Create a release in GitHub from the new tag
  • If the new version does not show up in the Packagist page for humanmade/asset-loader, request one of the project’s packagist maintainers to click the “update” button