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  • Include the contenthash in generated CSS filenames. #204


  • Do not compress output or strip comments in the SASS loader. This fixes an issue where autoprefixer directive comments would be removed by sass-loader, potentially causing compilation errors. #180


  • Correctly output .rtl.css manifest entries when using the WebpackRTLPlugin. #171
  • Breaking: Require Webpack CLI version 3 to avoid DevServer issues. If your project uses v4, run npm install webpack-cli@3 to downgrade. #168
  • Potentially Breaking: Extend auto-shared seeds for manifest generation to development preset. The upshot of this is that multi-config setups in development don’t need custom manifest configurations to use the same manifest–they’ll do so automatically. #166
  • Internal: Pin run-parallel subdependency (required by copy-webpack-plugin) to 1.1.9 to guarantee Node v10 compatibility. #167


  • Correctly infer a default publicPath when using withDynamicPort helper. #161


  • Update WordPress externals object to match latest bundled scripts. #160


New Features

  • Adapt the value of output.path when inferring output.publicPath in DevServer so that all assets are correctly served in multi-config situations. #156
  • Generate a production-asset-manifest.json for all production preset builds. #153 Builds in a multi-configuration setup which target the same output folder will share a manifest. #154

Upgrades & Changes

  • Potentially Breaking: Update mini-css-extract-plugin to v1.3.4. Changelog. #148
  • Potentially Breaking: Update css-loader to v5.0.1. Changelog. #136
  • Potentially Breaking: Update style-loader to v2.0.0. Changelog. #127

All three of the above dependency upgrades include breaking API changes. None of these changes should impact vanilla usage of the presets provided by these helpers, but we recommend reviewing all three libraries’ changelogs to identify potential issues if you are customizing presets or loader behavior relating to stylesheets.

  • Potentially Breaking: Update webpack-manifest-plugin to v3.0.0. Changelog. #143

The manifest plugin now exports its constructor as a named export, not a default, so any custom builds which pull in the ManifestPlugin constructor directly from the plugin dependency (as opposed to using the recommended plugins.manifest() factory function) will need to switch to using plugins.constructors.ManifestPlugin. This should not impact un-customized presets.

  • Potentially Breaking: Update postcss-flexbugs-fixes to v5.0.2 and update postcss-loader to v4.1.0. #152

The upgrade to postcss-loader requires nesting PostCSS configuration options within a .postcssOptions key on the object passed to the webpack loader. As with the style loading changes above, if you use the presets without customization this should not impact your project. Otherwise, ensure you have added this level of nesting to any code which customizes the postcss-loader’s configuration object. Consult the postcss-loader changelog for more information.

  • Upgrade webpack-fix-style-only-entries plugin to v0.6.0. This may resolve the issue previously documented in #93 where files would be incorrectly deleted when processing an array of webpack configuration objects. #129
  • Include postcss as a direct dependency of this package, rather than a subdependency. #151
  • Update webpack-bundle-analyzer bundled plugin to v4.3.0. #146

  • Internal: Add the generation of a basic development and production bundle, including scss styles, to the CI job. #149
  • Internal: Upgrade local development dependencies to latest versions. #150



  • Fix issue where plugins.clean() triggered an error. #106


  • Permit withDynamicPort helper to work with multi-configuration Webpack files. #103


  • Breaking: End support for Node v8. Node v10.13 or later is now required.
  • Breaking: Remove fix-style-only-entries plugin from production preset. This plugin can incorrectly remove files in certain multi-configuration scenarios. #93
  • Breaking: Update clean-webpack-plugin factory to reflect API changes in the latest bundled version. plugins.clean() can now be added to a webpack configuration’s plugins array with no additional arguments. #31
  • Breaking: Update copy-webpack-plugin factory to reflect API changes in the latest bundled version. plugins.copy() now takes a sole object argument specifying a patterns: [] array key, where before patterns were passed as a first argument. #96
  • Breaking: End support for TypeScript 3.5 and earlier following upgrate to latest ts-loader. #102
  • Switch optional SCSS dependency from node-sass to sass (a pure JavaScript implementation of dart-sass), to avoid the need to compile our sass dependency.
  • Introduce withDynamicPort helper function to simplify implementation of open port fallback logic. #89
  • Output CSS sourcemaps in production if devtool option is set. #94
  • Add postcss-preset-env to postcss webpack configuration and configure it to transform Stage 3 CSS features #91


  • Resolve issue where {bundle name}.LICENSE.txt files were output by Terser in situations where these files were not generated prior to 0.7.0. #51


  • Include plugins.fixStyleOnlyEntries() in the production preset. #33
  • Bump dependency versions to resolve npm audit security warnings. #40
    • copy-webpack-plugin has been upgraded from 4.6 to 5.1.1. Consult the breaking changes in copy-webpack-plugin 5.0 if you utilize this plugin with any custom configuration or options.
    • terser-webpack-plugin has been upgraded from 1.3 to 32.3.5. Consult the breaking changes in terser-webpack-plugin 2.0 if you utilize this plugin with any custom configuration or options. Several flags in our Terser configuration within plugins.js have been removed because those options are now Terser’s default behavior.


  • Set emitWarning: true in development preset’s eslint-loader configuration so that lint errors do not block hot updates. #39


  • Add TypeScript support. If the typescript package is detected, the presets will use ts-loader to interpret .ts and .tsx files. #38
  • Add default chunkFilename to output configuration to ensure chunks are generated using hashed filenames. #34


  • Fix bug where bundle keys in the entry configuration object were not respected. #30


  • Provide default values for entry and output.path configuration options. #28
  • Update externals to include latest WordPress core package names. #26
  • Add @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties plugin to permit use of class instance properties. #24
  • Cache babel preset configuration for performance. #23


  • First public release (remove beta notice from README).
  • Release documentation site.
  • Bundle block-editor-hmr package. #15
  • Revert plugins.fixStyleOnlyEntries() to the official version of webpack-fix-style-only-entries plugin. #21
  • Only inject eslint-loader if eslint is installed. #16
  • Add a reusable preset babel configuration as @humanmade/webpack-helpers/babelrc-preset. #13
  • Remove package-lock.json from distributed npm package. #6


  • Add OptimizeCssAssets plugin to production preset.
  • Throw errors on port conflict instead of using console.error and process.exit.


  • First usable beta.