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Presets Module

const { presets } = require( '@humanmade/webpack-helpers' );

This module provides functions that generate full Webpack configuration objects based on some opinionated default configuration values. The examples below should provide directional guidance, and are not intended to provide a comprehensive overview of all Webpack configuration options.


Generate a development-oriented Webpack configuration intended for use with webpack-dev-server. Any options specified on the argument passed to development() will be deeply merged into the default configuration options object. The only required properties are the .entry and the .output.path, though a .name can also be useful when working with an array of configuration objects.

A ManifestPlugin instance will be automatically injected into the configuration unless one is provided in the .plugins array on the configuration object.

const { join } = require( 'path' );
const { presets } = require( '@humanmade/webpack-helpers' );

module.exports = presets.development( {
	name: 'bundle-name',
	devServer: {
		// Start the dev server on this port.
		port: 9090,
	entry: {
		bundleName: 'relative/path/to/bundle/entry-point.js',
	output: {
		path: join( process.cwd(), 'path/to/output/folder' ),
} );


Generate a production-oriented Webpack configuration for generating minified asset bundle(s). Any options specified on the argument passed to development() will be deeply merged into the default configuration options object. The only required properties are the .entry and the .output.path, though a .name can also be useful when working with an array of configuration objects.

const { join } = require( 'path' );
const { presets } = require( '@humanmade/webpack-helpers' );
const ImageminPlugin = require( 'imagemin-webpack-plugin' ).default;

module.exports = presets.production( {
	name: 'bundle-name',
	entry: {
		bundleName: 'relative/path/to/bundle/entry-point.js',
	output: {
		path: join( process.cwd(), 'path/to/output/folder' ),
	plugins: [
		// Add an ImageminPlugin instance to the generated config.
		new ImageminPlugin(
			{ test: /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg)$/i }
} );

Customizing Presets

To alter configuration options like .devtool or .output.filename, simply specify the value as if you were writing a normal Webpack configuration object. Any array properties, such as .plugins, will be merged with the array values in the template; object properties like .devServer will also be deeply merged with the template’s values. If you wish to entirely overwrite an array or object property, you may generate a configuration using the preset function and extend or mutate that configuration to set the desired values.

Customize a generated production configuration by object extension:

const { plugins, presets } = require( '@humanmade/webpack-helpers' );

const config = presets.production( {
	entry: { /* ... */ },
	output: { /* ... */ },
} );

// Generate a final configuration object, overriding the property
// we want to change.
module.exports = {
	optimization: {
		minimizer: plugins.terser( { /* configuration... */ } ),

Read up on the ... “spread operator” if this syntax is unfamiliar to you; it’s quite useful!

Customize a generated production configuration by object mutation:

const { plugins, presets } = require( '@humanmade/webpack-helpers' );

module.exports = presets.production( {
	entry: { /* ... */ },
	output: { /* ... */ },
} );

// Overwrite the specific property we want to change.
module.exports.optimization.minimizer = [
	plugins.terser( { /* configuration... */ } ),

Note that array values are merged, not overwritten. This allows you to easily add plugins, but it can make it hard to remove values from array properties like the module loader rules. To change loader configuration options without completely removing a loader, we recommend the approach described below in “Customizing Loaders”. However, if you do need to completely change or remove the loaders from a default, you may overwrite the .module.rules array using one of the above methods.

Modify loaders within a generated configuration

Adjusting loaders within a generated configuration tree is difficult because loader arrays are not keyed and module rules may be nested. Instead, each preset generator accepts a second argument in which you can pass a callback function that will be run on the output of each computed loader definition.

// Alter the publicPath value of the files-loader and url-loader.
const config = production.preset(
	{ /* ...configuration options described above ... */ },
		filterLoaders: ( loader, loaderType ) => {
			if ( loaderType === 'file' || loaderType === 'url' ) {
				loader.options.publicPath = '../../';
			return loader;

The loaderType option will be one of the keys in the loaders object, or else the special key stylesheet which will be passed alongside the entire computed stylesheet loader chain. Filter on stylesheet to, for example, completely replace the Sass stylesheet support with a different preprocessor like Stylus.

The values of the loaderType argument in this callback correspond to the names of the available loader factory functions.